Ancient Olympia. A unique place to visit


Planning your trip these days in done mostly online. This is why we felt the need to bring to you a website with all the information you may need about shops in Ancient Olympia!


Our members list on this website are all passionate about their business. From new businesses to 3 generation old family businesses we are all passionate and we will try and make your shopping experience in Ancient Olympia a positive one!


We know that consumers are focusing more on price while making buying decisions in stores and online. This is the reason that all the shops in Ancient Olympia, we have al worked as a team to help lower out prices and offer a good value for all the products sold in our small market!


If you have bought an item that does not meet your expectations please reach out to the vendor directly first. If you fail to resolve your issue, please do reach out to us here and we will do our best to help.